Motion Graphics Trends, orange and purple patches in a white and black base

2023 Motion Graphics Trends: Master Hot Designs

The dynamic and fast-developing field of motion graphics demands that motion graphics people stay on top of the latest motion graphics trends. Moreover, it is not just a desire but a necessity. So, whether you’re a seasoned motion designer or just beginning your journey with motion graphics, understanding what’s hot in animation and design for 2023 can set you apart in this creative field.

Let’s explore this year’s top motion graphics design trends, gain some valuable tips, and even discover some templates to help you stay ahead of the curve. From multidimensional motion graphics trends to the charm of stop motion and claymation, here’s a comprehensive overview of what’s trending in motion graphics trends for 2023.


Multidimensional Motion Graphics Trends

Multidimensional motion graphics trends are taking the industry by storm in 2023. Moreover, gone are the days of flat, one-dimensional animations; now, motion designers are harnessing the power of depth and dimension to create visually striking and immersive experiences.


Multidimensional Marvels 

Multidimensional motion graphics trends involve creating animations that exist in three-dimensional space. Also, this motion graphics trend is facilitated by advancements in software and hardware, making it more accessible than ever before. Moreover, designers are now able to craft scenes that feel like mini-worlds, inviting viewers to explore and engage.


Applications Abound

 This trend is not limited to any one industry. Moreover, from advertising to entertainment, multidimensional motion graphics are making waves. So, imagine a product commercial where the product floats in space, allowing the viewer to rotate and examine it from every angle. This level of interactivity and immersion is now achievable.


Technical Triumphs

The technical aspects of multidimensional motion graphics trends are fascinating. Also, designers are working with 3D modelling, lighting, and physics simulations to create lifelike animations. Moreover, this trend is pushing the boundaries of what motion graphics can achieve.


Levitating Objects

Levitating objects, once relegated to the realm of science fiction, are now a trendy and captivating element in motion graphics. Therefore, this effect adds an otherworldly touch to animations, leaving viewers in awe.


The Illusion of Weightlessness

 The magic of levitating objects lies in the illusion of weightlessness. Also, everyday objects, from products to characters, appear to defy gravity as they hover, rotate, or glide through the scene. So, this creates a sense of wonder and curiosity among viewers.


Applications and Impact

 Levitating objects are used in various ways, such as showcasing products, emphasizing key elements in a narrative, or simply adding a touch of surrealism to motion graphics. Brands are leveraging this trend to make their products and messages stand out.


The Art of Animation 

Achieving convincing levitation effects requires meticulous attention to detail and advanced animation techniques. Motion designers carefully manipulate physics and motion paths to make objects appear as though they are truly floating. The result is a seamless blend of art and science.



In 2023, the pursuit of hyper-realism is a dominant trend in motion graphics. Designers are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, creating animations that are so lifelike they blur the line between reality and imagination.


The Quest for Realism 

Hyper-realism in motion graphics trends involves creating animations that are indistinguishable from real-world footage. This trend is driven by the desire to engage viewers on a visceral level and deliver a memorable experience.


Examples of Hyper-realism

From lifelike character animations in video games to product demonstrations that feel like you can reach out and touch the item, hyper-realism is making its mark across various industries. These motion graphics trends are particularly powerful in storytelling, as they enhance emotional connection and immersion.


Challenges and Rewards 

Achieving hyper-realism is no small feat. It demands meticulous attention to detail, advanced rendering techniques, and often, significant processing power. However, the rewards are immense, as animations that feel real can captivate audiences like never before.


3D Motion Graphics Trends

2023 is witnessing the continued ascent of 3D motion graphics trends. This trend, which has been on the rise for several years, is now firmly established as a cornerstone of modern motion design.


The Allure of 3D 

The appeal of 3D motion graphics lies in their ability to bring depth and realism to animations. Whether it’s a product visualization, architectural walkthrough, or character animation, 3D graphics have the power to engage viewers on multiple levels.


Applications Across Industries 

From architecture and engineering to gaming and entertainment, 3D motion graphics trends find applications in diverse sectors. The versatility of 3D allows designers to tackle a wide range of projects, making it a staple in the industry.


Advancements in Technology 

The rise of 3D motion graphics trends is closely tied to technological advancements. Improved rendering engines, more powerful hardware, and accessible 3D modelling tools have democratized the creation of 3D animations. This trend shows no signs of slowing down.


Claymation and Stopmotion trends

In the digital age, where everything seems to be moving at lightning speed, there’s a charming return to the slow and methodical art of claymation and stop-motion animation in 2023.


The Nostalgia Factor

 Claymation and stop-motion animations evoke a sense of nostalgia. These techniques harken back to the early days of animation when each frame was painstakingly crafted by hand. In our fast-paced world, this nostalgia is comforting.


The Handcrafted Appeal 

What sets claymation and stop-motion apart is their tactile, handmade quality. Viewers can see the imperfections and textures in the characters and objects, making the animation feel more human and relatable.


Uniqueness in the Digital Age

 In a sea of digital animations, claymation and stop-motion animations stand out. Brands and creators are leveraging this uniqueness to create memorable and authentic experiences that resonate with audiences.


Advanced Animation in Motion Graphics Trends

The animation techniques used in motion graphics are continually evolving. In 2023, we’re witnessing a surge in advanced animation techniques that challenge the boundaries of what’s possible.


The Art of Motion 

Advanced animation goes beyond basic keyframes. It involves sophisticated techniques like procedural animation, physics simulations, and complex character rigging. These techniques add depth and realism to animations.


From Physics to Emotion 

Physics simulations, in particular, are being used to replicate real-world physics in animations. This allows for natural-looking movements of objects and characters. It also enables emotions to be conveyed through motion, adding an extra layer of storytelling.


The Power of Rigging 

Character rigging is another facet of advanced animation. It involves creating intricate skeletons for characters, allowing for fluid and expressive movements. This technique is invaluable in character-driven animations, from video games to animated films.


Maximalist Outlines

2023 brings forth the trend of maximalist outlines in motion graphics trends. These bold and attention-grabbing outlines are taking centre stage in animations and design, creating a unique visual impact.


Bold and Striking 

Maximalist outlines are defined by their boldness. These outlines are often thick and vibrant, making objects and characters pop off the screen. They can be used to highlight key elements or add a sense of vibrancy to the overall composition.


Enhancing Storytelling 

In motion graphics, storytelling is paramount. Maximalist outlines can be used strategically to enhance storytelling. For example, they can draw attention to an important object or emphasize the emotions of a character.


Creative Freedom 

One of the exciting aspects of maximalist outlines is the creative freedom they offer. Consequently, designers can experiment with different colours, line thicknesses, and styles to achieve a wide range of visual effects. Also, these motion graphics trends invite artists to push their creative boundaries.


Animated Brand Identities

2023 sees the continued growth of animated brand identities. Also, more and more companies are recognizing the value of dynamic logos and brand elements in motion graphics.


Brands in Motion 

Animated brand identities are all about bringing brands to life. So, instead of static logos, brands are adopting animated variations that can be used in various contexts, from social media to video ads.


Enhanced Recognition 

Animated brand identities enhance brand recognition and engagement. So, when viewers see a logo in motion, it’s more likely to stick in their minds. Moreover, these motion graphics trends are particularly prevalent in the world of social media, where short video clips rule.


Creating Memorable Experiences 

Companies are investing in animated brand identities because they create memorable experiences. Also, these animations can tell a story, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression on consumers.


AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Motion Graphics Trends

As we progress into the digital age, AI is finding its way into motion graphics trends. In 2023, we’re witnessing the integration of artificial intelligence into the creative process.


AI’s Creative Potential 

AI is not just for automating mundane tasks; it can also contribute to the creative process. Machine learning algorithms can generate animations, suggest design elements, and even assist with complex simulations.


Examples of AI-Driven Motion Graphics 

From generating procedural animations to predicting user preferences for personalised content, AI is making its presence felt in motion graphics. Artists and designers are partnering with AI to push the boundaries of what’s possible.


Challenges and Ethical Considerations 

The integration of AI in motion graphics comes with its own set of challenges and ethical considerations. Also, it raises questions about the role of human creativity and the potential for bias in AI-generated content. So, these are important discussions that the industry is grappling with in 2023.



Thus, 2023 is an exciting year for motion graphics. The motion graphics trends we’ve explored—multidimensional motion graphics, levitating objects, hyper-realism, 3D motion graphics, claymation and stop-motion, advanced animation, maximalist outlines, animated brand identities, and AI integration—are shaping the industry in new and innovative ways.

As we look ahead, it’s clear that motion graphics trends will continue to evolve. Also, future developments in technology, software, and creative techniques will undoubtedly bring even more exciting trends to the forefront. Motion graphics designers and artists should remain curious, adaptive, and ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of this dynamic field.

Stay tuned, stay creative, and keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in motion graphics trends. The future is bright, and the possibilities are limitless.

